Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8PN

01344 882631

Ascot Heath Primary School

“Preparing our children for all of their tomorrows”

Daily activity ideas


Get active

Choose an activity from the get active section on the useful resources page


Find a comfortable spot and curl up with a good book. You could complete one of the reading activities listed in the document below.


Practise spellings using one on the activities below.


Copy a passage from your story book in your best handwriting.

Put your weekly spelling words into a sentence. Challenge yourself to include different sentence structures.


You can use use any drawing material you have at home to create a picture or follow a tutorial online. There are links on the useful resources page.

Rob Biddulp


There are lots of different activities that you can to develop your maths skill. The following are just a few ideas.

  • Play a card game (see document below) 
  • practise your timetables, this can be done using TTRockstars.  
  • Play the game  Countdown 
  • find a recipe and work out the ingredients if you were to half or double the quantities. What about if you wanted to make a quarter of the amount. You could then make the recipe. You could also work out how much it would cost to buy all the ingredients, then how much each serving would cost.
  • try a problem solving activity from the  website I see reasoning
  • Play one of the following games.