Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8PN

01344 882631

Ascot Heath Primary School

“Preparing our children for all of their tomorrows”

Welcome to Owl Class

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Owls’ Classroom Staff

  Class Teachers: Miss Smith

Class Teaching Assistant: Miss Williamson


Our first quest in Autumn Term was...THIS IS ME!

The children have learnt how to write instructions on how to build a strong mind, they have learnt about different religions and how other countries celebrate. We have delved into the realms of Dame Floella Benjamin and learnt all about how she came to England also we have looked at Kandinsky and created our own pieces of art based around this.  

The children have learnt so much this term and worked really hard! Please have a look at our finished quest wall below with some of our hard work on. 


Our new quest for Spring term is.....Hard Rock! Please have a look at the document below which details what the children will be learning in the new year!

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To see the methods we use in maths, please see the calculation policy below. 

Each week the children will take part in a times table test called The 99 Club to improve quick recall of multiplication and division facts. They have 8 minutes to complete a set of questions which get progressively trickier with each club. The children will need to regularly practice their times tables at home to help them learn them fluently. We will let you know via Marvellous Me when the children have completed a club.

As part of Club 99, the children have to complete different sections of a times table grid. 

Meet the teacher

Please see below for the Meet the Teacher powerpoint detailing all the necessary information. 



As part of our music curriculum we will be learning to play the recorder in class. Starting in a couple of weeks. We do have recorders in school we can lend the children however if possible we would like them to have their own recorder so they can practise at home. Here's a few suggestions of ones you could buy. Please speak to me if there's a problem. 




Reading at home

The children should be reading at home everyday to practice their decoding skills and comprehension.


All children have now come off Read Write Inc. Their reading will be assessed and they will take home a book band book.  Please remind the children to take care of these books.

We will also be visiting the school library once a week, where the children can choose a book as long as they remember to return their previous book. The day of the week for us to visit the Library will be Friday.

Please record the children's reading of school books in the reading diaries. The diaries will be collected in on Fridays and their reads for the week will be counted up. To encourage the children to read at home we will have some prizes available depending on the number of reads.

Homework - UPDATED

This term the children will be given two pieces of homework a week which will be both maths and spellings. These assignments will be set and handed in via MyMaths and spelling shed.. 

The children will also have weekly spelling tests. The children will go through the spellings in class and will need to practice these at home. The spelling lists will be available on Teams and the children will need to practice them at home.

PE Days!

Our PE days will be Wednesday and Friday. If your child has their ears pierced they will need to take their earrings out themselves or not wear them on PE days.


For birthdays this year, we ask that if children would like to celebrate their birthdays with the class, instead of bringing in sweets and chocolates, grown-ups can donate a picture book or a board game for our wet play stash that can be shared with the class. Below are some ideas, but feel free to choose your own!

Year 3 book wish list


  • Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne
  • The Accidental Prime Minister by Tom McLaughlin
  • Flyntlock Bones – The Eye of Mogdrod by Derek Keilty
  • This Bee is not Afraid of Me edited by Fran Long and Isabel Galleymore
  • Small Worlds: Earth by Lara Hawthorne and Camilla De La Bedoyere
  • The Abominables by Eva Ibbotson
  • StoryWorlds: A Moment in Time: A Perpetual Picture Atlas by Thomas Hegbrook
  • The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka


Board Games

  •  Snap
  • Snakes and ladders
  • Monopoly junior
  • Dominoes