Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8PN

01344 882631

Ascot Heath Primary School

“Preparing our children for all of their tomorrows”

Check out our 'What we have been doing in Parrots' page from the drop down classes menu, to see our latest learning.

Welcome to Parrots class

Our Class Team

Mrs Parnell - Class Teacher

Mrs Ladva - Teaching Assistant

Meet the Teacher Presentation

Welcome to Parrots Class

We are so excited to welcome you to Parrots class and to welcome the children at the start of their journey at Ascot Heath Primary School. Below you will find some useful day to day information. 

Each half term we will share our 'Quest' with you and also share some of our learning on our 'what we have been doing in Parrots' page. 

Spring Term 1 Quest

Our Spring term 1 Quest will be 'Out of this world'. Where we will be learning about Space, planets and what it's like to be an astronaut.  We will be having fun doing a large variety of activities, including a space day and challenges.  Please see our Quest overview to find out what we will be learning in each area. 

PE -

All PE kit should be kept in school for the half term and we will send it home for a wash at the end of each half term.

Our PE days will be Monday and Thursday.

It is particularly important that on these days that any earrings are removed.

Outdoor area-

We use our outdoor area all year round. Something very useful for the children to have in school is a pair of wellies. We do have some spares but often children prefer to wear their own.  The children also should bring their coats in every day just in case we have a sudden downpour. During the winter hats, scarfs and gloves are highly recommended and during the summer don't forget to bring sun hats and apply sun cream before school. Don't forget to name them.


Forest School- 

We are very lucky to have Mrs Ringrose and our lovely wild garden which backs onto our outdoor area. Children will take part in forest school once a fortnight, rather than once a week. This way the children have a longer session for a whole morning or afternoon rather than a much shorter weekly session. The children can come dressed in their Forest School clothes which can be a long sleeved top and long trousers. As the weather gets colder and wetter the children will need to bring in clothing that you don't mind getting wet or muddy. e.g. old joggers, waterproof coat, waterproof trousers if you have them.  Our forest school day will be on a Friday. Keep an eye on our class board to see if it is a group A or B week.


Class Charter 

We in Parrots value each other and have explored how we can care for ourselves and the environment. 

Communication -

It is very important to us that we work with you to get the best for your child. If you would like to chat to us the best time is after school (unless it is something urgent for that day, then let us know in the morning) or if you contact the office via email or phone and we will make time to see you. The school office are very good at helping to solve any day to day issues such as ordering school lunches, questions about uniform etc. 

Children's belongings-

Please do make sure that all your child's belongings are labelled with their names. This will help us out greatly and save us a lot of time as the children learn to look after their own things.  Any lost un-named items are sent to the lost property box in the main reception area at the end of the week.


Birthday celebrations   A Cliparts Ballons Seul - Birthday Balloons Clipart - Free Transparent PNG  Download - PNGkey

In the past some parents have provided sweet treats for the class when it is their child's birthday, however we have been unable to do this for some time due to allergies and dietary needs.

If you would like an alternative to this we suggest that you could donate a book to our class library. (This is not compulsory.)  Inside the cover we like to write who the book is from and the date it was given. 

Below is a link for some ideas if you would like to do this.