Photograph competition news below photograph competition news below photograph competition news below
Year 1 Remote Learning
Hi Year 1 and welcome to remote learning. Mrs Emmins and Ms Cramond will be your 'Remote Teachers' this week :)
Every morning we are going to set you up with some daily challenges for you to complete at home. Make sure to record your work in your remote learning books. We are also going to check in with you every afternoon to see how you are getting on with the work and to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to log on to the Guestbook to leave us a message or you can continue to email us via your class email address about how you are getting on. We would love to hear from you all. Here are a few pictures of the wonderful work that you sent in so far this week...
Wonderful Wednesday, 22nd July
Good morning Penguins and Puffins
Well we have reached the last day of remote learning for Year One in the strange year we have had. You have all worked so hard, whether in your classes at the beginning of the year, in your bubbles at school, and most of all at home with me and Ms Cramond. We are proud of you all and your grown ups deserve a big pat on the back for helping you too.
This morning you have great activities to get your SHARK teeth into!
Hope you had a good breakfast and are raring to go. First up in maths we are comparing times, and there is a great game to play at the end of the activity. Then you get to make your own game of Top Trumps and finally a bit of Origami. How many different sharks will you be able to make?
Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Mrs Emmins & Ms Cramond
Maths activity
We have to compare time all the time. How many seconds are there in a minute? Click on the link below to help you think about this and then have a go at the activities.
English activity.
I know how much you all love playing top trumps! So attached is a set of shark top trump cards. But you also need to add some more of your own. To do this you will have to research some other species of shark and find out their facts.
Have fun!
Other activity
We are going to make a shark today from origami.
All you need is a piece of paper and colouring pens. Where they stick on a pink piece of paper why not colour it in pink instead.
Follow the video below. Stop the video after 3 minutes and 25 seconds.
Why not make lots of different sharks and colour them to be some of the different types of sharks.
Afternoon message:
Hello again Year One
Hope you'r’e enjoying this sunny last day. Our final activities are all about memories. There is a memory photo frame to make:
Or a sheet below to write down your favourite memories of Year One.
My favourite memories are of the Smartest Giant in Town visit during Bookweek, and our trip to Brooklands. Our final story is The Day the Crayons Quit
Have a lovely Summer, whether you are staying at home or going on holiday. Have a well earned rest. I’m really looking forward to seeing you all again in Year Two so don’t forget to give me a wave.
Happy Holidays Everyone
Mrs Emmins & Ms Cramond
Photograph competition winners
You might remember before half term we challenged you all to take part in a photograph competition. (We are sorry it's taken us a while to let you know the results- things have been a little busy in school) We were amazed at the quality of photos that came in and it was very tough to choose just 1 from each class. So after much thought we picked the following 5 winners:
Edwards fantastic photo of the view looking down his marble run.
Herkus' brilliant photo of a beetle on a spoon.
Alexander's amazing photo of baby birds in a nest that he found on his walk at Englemere pond.
Ava's lovely photo of a family of geese swimming in a line with the mum and dad looking after their goslings in between them.
James funny photo of a picnic in the tree trunk scene.
Click on the images above to have a closer look.
Well done and a big thank you to everybody who took part!
The Whole Week! from week beginning 4th July
Below are the documents you will need if you want to have a go at some of the things you may have missed.
Name |
Have a go at the Summer Reading Challenge! Details below.