Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8PN

01344 882631

Ascot Heath Primary School

“Preparing our children for all of their tomorrows”


ECO News  

May / June

Star Grower Award goes to ... Sophie (Yr. 4) for her wonderful salad leaves and Matilda (Yr. 2) for her amazing radishes!


We have been busy planting vegetables (radishes, beetroot, peas, salad leaves...); part of the Innocent Big Grow campaign. https://innocentbiggrow.com/ we also planted beans in pots, which we will leave on the classroom window ledges and then grow outside once the plant gets a bit bigger.

The eco team have also been monitoring the compost buckets very closely and have added torn up egg boxes amongst all the fruit peelings. Even the staff have got on board and there is now a compost container for teabags and other biodegradable items. We will soon have lots of compost for our vegetable garden!



Mufti Day - Friday 19th March to raise money for our new school garden.  


Check out the clean air winning entries competition: https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/environmental-health/air-quality/clean-air-day-schools-competition/clean-air-day-winning-entries/ 


BIG news...we have achieved our bronze- eco schools award. See our certificate below!


January, February

BIG Garden Bird Watch

If you haven't already joined in the annual national bird survey you can click on the link below.





Thank you very much to everyone who donated cat/dog food to the Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue Centre. It has been delivered safely and they are very thankful.

Mrs Hayden has kindly donated eight buckets which we will be given to each year group for composting. We hope to start composting in January.



The school received an exciting delivery of 30 tree saplings, (Wild Sherry, Rowan and Silver Birch) from the Woodland Trust in or bid to combat climate change. https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/

The eco team have been busy planting along with the help of the student council and Mr Birchmore.

We also held our second eco meeting in the eco building, where we discussed ideas for our action plan. A little robin was curious and bobbed around outside!

Please see our minutes for details on the meeting.



A new Eco team has been established, although this year things will be a little different due to Covid restrictions.

We had our first socially distanced meeting and we introduced the team to the whole school using Microsoft Teams. Each year group will carry out a section of an environmental survey of our school. Once this is completed we will get started on our action plan. 

Below are details about how to keep our air clean and also how to enter an exciting poster competition!